Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I'm Thankful For

First of all I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Today means different things to all of us. For many, today is a day of family, tradition and lots of eating. For others, today is a day to nurse a hangover due to the strange phenomenon of going to the bars the night before. To fans of the Dallas Cowboys or the Detroit Lions, today is the NFL's Thanksgiving Classic, in which each of these teams traditionally host a home game on this day. For turkey lovers today is a very bad day. For others still, today reminds them of those who have passed away, of loneliness, or of estranged family or friends.

For me, today holds a bit of all of those feelings. This Thanksgiving I am thankful to be with my family. My sister Kelly is home from Potsdam and other family members are home to celebrate and be together. This holiday also brings to mind the family members who aren't here anymore. My grandfather passed away a few years ago and we still miss him, but we are all thankful for the impact he had on our lives.

I am thankful also for pajama pants and sweaters, in which I am sitting on the couch, relaxing since I was one of those who went out last night, and watching football. I am thankful that today I can sit and do this. There are many Americans who are poor or even homeless and cannot enjoy the warmth of a home, or a day off to spend with family. Others are giving an incredible sacrifice by serving in the military and cannot be home. It doesn't matter whether you agree with the our nation's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan or not; those who give their lives and private freedoms up to serve are all heroes. Thanksgiving reminds me of this. One of my best friends, Todd MacIntosh, is spending this Thanksgiving at boot camp in South Carolina, while training for the Marine Reserves.

I am also thankful for my other friends, some of whom enjoy the outdoors as much as I do, both from home and from school.

I am also thankful for the outdoors. I love the wild places that still continue to exist in the face of our increasingly populated and industrialized world. I love the mountains, the forests, the rivers and lakes, the wild creatures, and the clean, open air. The winter is one of my favorite times to camp and hike, so I am thankful that this time of year has come once again.

Of course, friends are only part of what I am thankful for. Thanksgiving is about family. Mike Quigley, Illinois Representative (D), said that “Thanksgiving is, in many ways, what we all really want Christmas to be, but which Christmas isn’t anymore" ( This is one of the few holidays that are less about what you can buy and how you can decorate, and more about the simple times spent with loved ones.

Therefore, I am so very thankful for my parents:

My little sister Kelly (and her boyfriend Artie) :

And of course, Belle:

I could go on and on about what I am thankful for because I am truly blessed and have so much, but I think today would be better spent with family. Enjoy the holiday and be thankful for all that you have!

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